Dead Simple Guide to Beating Procrastination
By Leo Babauta
I’ve been procrastinating a lot lately. I actually love procrastinating and have nothing against it.
But for those of you who want to beat procrastination, here are 10 simple steps:
- First make sure you really, really, really want to do it. Seriously - don’t skip this step.
- Keep things simple - don’t mess with tools, formatting, anything, just start.
- Make it the first thing you do today, before checking email or anything else.
- Clear away everything that stands in the way of doing. Including turning off the Internet.
- Just get started. Overcome the initial barrier by diving in.
- Tell yourself you’re just going to do 10 minutes.
- Put something you dread more at the top of your to-do list -- you’ll put off doing that by doing the other things on your list. (Structured procrastination.)
- Find something about it that excites you.
- Forget about perfection. Just start doing it, and fix it later.
- If you keep procrastinating, re-evaluate whether you really want to do it. Consider not doing it, or putting it on the backburner.
If all else fails, just take a nap or go outside and enjoy the outdoors or do nothing. Life isn’t all about productivity. Do less.