A lot of people I work with struggle to dive into their meaningful work because they get stopped up by beliefs they have about finding a purpose.

I can’t find my purpose because I don’t have the time, I am not good enough, I don’t have any clarity, I’m not ready, I don’t have the money to create it powerfully.

Anything that’s stopping us are myths! They are beliefs we’ve created that are getting in our way.

What I’ve found powerful is admitting to ourselves that we want a purpose, a mission, something meaningful in our lives.

What I’ve found powerful is taking ownership of creating that, moving all the false beliefs out of the way so that we can finally have what we truly desire.

I’m going to conduct a free training this Sunday (May 30) on this:

Free Training: 5 Myths About Finding Purpose & a Method for Creating Purpose

The training starts at 9am Pacific / 12pm ET / 8pm London on Sunday (May 30), please register above if you’re interested. I will send out a recording to those who register.

In this training, I will share:

  • The 5 myths about finding purpose & why they’re wrong

  • New empowering beliefs that you can use to replace these false beliefs

  • A simple method for creating purpose in your life

  • How to practice with this method

If you find the training to be powerful, I will also invite some of you to stay for an extra 30-minute coaching session around your purpose.

I hope to see you soon!